partner introduces CRM for clinical trial management on Force Platform

Had an interesting chat with the CEO of the US based IT service provider for clinical research industry in June. Apparently the company a partner introduces new CTMS application in India. Just came to know that they are going commercial this month. The applications is aimed at clinical trial management, Study site management and Patient Recruitment in the clinical research industry . Aimed at CROs, Hospitals, University Research centers and clinical trial Study Sites.

The application is based on Force platform by SalesForce and already have few Indian Organization using it for several months. The product will be offered in SaaS/Hosted/Cloud versions, which will render affordable TCO and higher ROI with less or no Capital investmental.

GE Healthcare announces SaaS Electronic Medical Records Management

GE Health Care is rolling out a new, cloud-based platform that makes it easier for physicians with small practices to maintain and keep track of the electronic medical records of their patients. The new SAAS offering is part of GE’s Centricity offering.

Introducing Centricity Advance
Colonnades Family Medicine is running on Centricity Advance, a web-based EMR solution launched today by GE Healthcare and specifically designed for the smaller physician practice.

Unlike most clinical and financial management solutions, Centricity Advance is a web-based service that costs less than a standard client-server software deployment and is maintained and supported with little or no strain on the healthcare provider’s resources, freeing up more time for patient care.

Ideal as a Web-Based Service
The fact that Centricity Advance was designed from the ground up as a web service is significant. Instead of simply providing web-based gateway into a standard EMR application, the Centricity Advance is created with anywhere/anytime access in mind, resulting in an intuitive and efficient interface without sacrificing functionality. Since system management is centralized as part of the Centricity Advance service, small practices don’t have to worry about data protection, updates, equipment failures and other typically stressful responsibilities of user-driven IT management.

Another key feature of Centricity Advance is the Patient Self-Service Portal, which connects patients to their care. By using their own secure password to log in, patients can communicate privately with their doctor and view their own information such as statements, prescriptions and lab results. Patients can also request and confirm appointments, request prescription refills and get automatic reminders for immunizations and lab tests.

Grid computing projects supported by Big Blue announced significant progress in looking for new potential drugs in cancer treatment

22 Million Australian Cloud computing initiative to benefit life science researchers

The Australian Research Collaboration Service (ARCS) has launched its Computer Cloud scheme, a $22 million project funded by the government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

More details check

Bob Correll, the chief information officer for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, said his agency is also looking into using cloud computing for its electronic visa system

Twittering Clinical Trials!

Healthcare IT start-up TrialX has launched an application that allows the 4 million to 6 million (and growing) Twitter users to find clinical trials. Users can query (tweet) TrialX using the keywords .

In about a minute, says TrialX, you’ll receive a reply tweet with a tinyurl link to the TrialX page containing matching trials.

So not to let go off my information junkie attitude and eagerness to learn new  things. I also started my own twitter at I have also started following the twitters from Jae Chung of GoBalto he is very active in Linkedin where I found him firsty. And also twitter of Patient Recruitment Company MediciGlobal and ClinicalTrialApp twitter from iPhoneClinial Trials

I agree twiiter application are helpful in AERS reporting along with other tools . I love see how they can add value as standalone tools

SAS Does SAAS- Clinical Trials on Cloud

SAS Drug Development—is now available in an online mode. SAS hosts the program, and users log on via the internet. SAS’s goal is to have customers up and running on the system in a month.

SAS® Solutions OnDemand: Drug Development is a hosted solution for aggregating, analyzing and reviewing clinical trials data in order to determine safety and efficacy outcomes. It includes a compliance-enabling platform for efficiently developing, executing and managing the collection, sharing, transformation, analysis and submission of clinical research data.

press release

Does SaaS fit into the complex world of pharmaceuticals?

An article published by DatMonitor Group read the complete article  here

View the Recoreded webcast by IBM Global Lead for Healthcare and Life Sciences. Win with Software as a Service in Healthcare and Life Sciences

SaaS and Healthcare Internet Business Models

SaaS is a great technical model that can save money, increase efficiency, scale-up fast etc etc. But is it a viable business methodology?. Does it make money for the owner who offer this service. according CEOs of many traditional software companies like Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft SaaS doesn’t make money meaning big margins and huge profits. Even though all these companies do have their own SaaS applications and strategy in place.

Health care and Medical practice on the other hand is a different place. And that is what Ravi Sohal, CEO of thinks based on his own experience Healthcare Internet Business Models Don’t Scale that easily. And I think his argument is spot on
While I agree to his arguments there are many software suppliers that services only healthcare and medical markets for exmaple Pharmacy One source which claims to be Healthcare’s #1 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider. And yes its true that most of all such successful companies fall into one catagory- software vendors allbeit slightly different to the traditional ones